Stay in contact with us and receive regular e-mail updates concerning needs of the ministry, testimonies, and items for prayer.



Wingfield Ministries, Inc., is committed to reaching every available person using every available means. We are honored and privileged to spread the good news of a loving and merciful Savior to everyone in our path. This ministry reaches the masses through: tours of the Holy Land, the Memorial Day Community Celebration, banquets, festivals, golf outings, speaking engagements, Victory Weekend concerts, events at the Lodestar Mountain Inn, and our newest ministry endeavor – the Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach.

We are planning, preparing, and praying for the ministry opportunities that we cannot wait to host – occasions when we have the privilege of proclaiming the love of Jesus for all to hear and guiding those who yearn for a relationship with the Lord.

Below is the list of events for 2025.  Please click active links to visit each event’s webpage.

2025 Events

February 4:  Lodestar Guidance Demo Session (Virtual Event)
February 14-16:
  Valentine’s Day Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
February 16:  Steve preaching at Abundant Life Church, Sarasota, FL
February 18:  Great Purpose Banquet, Sarasota, FL
February 19-27:  OneLife Students tour of Greece (Private OneLife student event)
February 23:  Steve preaching at Sarasota Community Church, Sarasota, FL
February 26:  Wingfield Ministries and Bob Detweiler Annual Golf Tournament, Sarasota, FL
March 7-9:  Maple Festival Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
March 11, 18, & 25:  Lodestar Guidance Training Package (Virtual Event)
March 21-23:  Victory Weekend Veterans & First Responders Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
March 22-23:  Steve speaking at Church of the Saviour’s Beast Feast, OH
April 15:  Lodestar Guidance Demo Session (Virtual Event)
April 22-24:  Ministry Leaders Retreat at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
May 3-4: OneLife Graduation Weekend (Private OneLife student and family event. Please contact us to register.)
May 7:  Appreciation Luncheon, Harrisonburg, VA
May 6, 13, & 20:  Lodestar Guidance Training Package (Virtual Event)
May 8-18:  Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach
May 26:  10th Annual Memorial Day Community Celebration, VA
June 20-22:  Recovery Leaders Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
July 8:  Lodestar Guidance Demo Session (Virtual Event)
July 11-13:  Singles Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
July 18-20:  Young Married Couples Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
August 6-24:  Africa Evangelistic Mission Outreach
August 22-24:  OneLife Class #4 Student Welcome Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn. (Private OneLife student and family event)
August 26, September 2, & 9:  Lodestar Guidance Training Package (Virtual Event)
September 16-18:  Ministry Leaders Retreat at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
September 26-28:  Wayne Wingfield Memorial Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
September 30 – October 6:  African Pastors Retreat & Conference at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
October 12-25:  Holy Land Tour
October 14:  Lodestar Guidance Demo Session (Virtual Event)
October 17-19:  Fall Hymn Sing Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
October 24-26:  Fall Foliage Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
November 13:  Ohio Gala, OH
November 14-16:  Victory Weekend Veterans & First Responders Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn
November 18:  Pennsylvania Gala, PA
November 25, December 2, & 9:  Lodestar Guidance Training Package (Virtual Event)
December 5-7:  Christmas Getaway Weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn