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Dover Promo
on September 2, 2016

We are thrilled to return to the Dover International Speedway on September 30 to October 2, and we are excited about what God is going to accomplish there!

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Kicking off at the legendary Lot 10, great music is in store for the attending audience. Returning performers include: Charee White, Audra McLaughlin, and Jess Zimmerman, who will all perform free concerts on both Friday and Saturday nights.  The Victory Weekend Team is working on adding an exciting fourth act to the line-up, so stay tuned to hear who that person is in upcoming updates this month!

For more fun, the track will add to the excitement on Saturday night with a spectacular fireworks display. The #79 Victory Weekend Show Car will be there for you to check out from bumper to bumper, and we will be playing games and giving away prizes each night, including the opportunity to win the third Fender Stratocaster guitar. This type of guitar has been given away at the Michigan International Speedway on August 26 and one will be given away at the First Friday Celebration in Oxford, Pennsylvania on September 2.

What an honor the Victory Weekend team has in affirming our veterans military personnel, and local first responders, and we will do it again on Saturday night!

Looking for a way to minister to the loss in the area? We invite you to consider joining us, whether it be by yourself or with family, friends, small group, church youth group, or anyone else. If you are available and desire to serve on September 30, October 1 and/or October 2, we need your help! Volunteer today by clicking here!

Steve will also be speaking at Cross Roads Community Church in Georgetown, Delaware, during their 7 p.m. service on Saturday, October 1, and during their 8,9:30, and 11 a.m services on Sunday, October 2.

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Steve looks forward to seeing you at the Dover Victory Weekend Event!

You are personally invited to attend all events Steve will be making.

Pray that God’s will shall be accomplished for His glory!

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