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Simple and secure. Give a single gift or schedule recurring donations using your checking account, debit card, or credit card.

Thank you! We appreciate your prayers and partnership as we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Your gift will make a difference today.

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time

Have you considered donating non-cash assets?  The National Christian Foundation (NCF) is making it easier than ever to learn the benefits of donating your appreciated stocks, real estate, and business interests before the sale to reduce your taxes and enable you to give more to charities.  To learn more, simply click one of the following:

-watch a quick video
-visit the NCF’s website

Your faithful financial support of Wingfield Ministries, Inc., allows us to continue reaching out to a lost world. We are grateful for your partnership in ministry!

To donate, please complete the payment form above or send check or cash to:

Wingfield Ministries
4153 Quarles CourtHarrisonburg, VA 22801

Our financial commitment to you:

Wingfield Ministries, Inc., is committed to faithful stewardship of funds entrusted to us by donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively in Christ’s name.

Wingfield Ministries, Inc., is a non-profit Christian organization chartered by the State of Virginia and certified tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under code section 501(c)(3). The bylaws governing this ministry direct that our resources be used to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through relationship evangelism and discipleship. Your contributions are used to accomplish this purpose.

We are committed to fulfilling the following standards:

  • We subscribe to a written statement of faith clearly affirming our commitment to the evangelical Christian faith.
  • We are governed by a responsible board of directors who are not staff members nor relatives of staff members. The Wingfield Ministries Board of Directors meets at least semi-annually to oversee the establishment of policies, budgets, and financial practices, and to review ministry accomplishments.
  • We obtain an annual audit which is performed by an independent public accounting firm in accordance with generally-accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
  • We provide copies of our current audited financial statements upon written request.
  • We seek to conduct our activities with the highest standards of integrity and avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Our fundraising appeals clearly identify the purposes and programs to which donations will be applied. We ensure that donations are used for the purposes for which they were raised.
  • We are members in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Tax-deductible contributions are made with the understanding that Wingfield Ministries has complete control of and is fully accountable for all donated funds. Donor preference will be honored when specified. If a project is discontinued or over funded, Wingfield Ministries will use the remaining funds to carry on similar ministries.

Read our Refund and Privacy Policy by clicking here. To learn more and to read about our 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, please visit our financial accountability page.


The Lord’s blessings, favor, and fingerprints are on every aspect of this ministry. Our amazing Father has opened doors and has led us to a place where we can serve His people with purpose and intention, focusing on evangelism and discipleship. We wholeheartedly serve a God who is worthy, and we strive to point others to the knowledge of His love, mercy, and grace. As we honor God with the responsibility and the calling He has instilled within our entire team, we understand that we must be good and faithful stewards of what we have been given.
The phrase “good steward” brings to mind financial and fiscal responsibility. While this is a vital aspect of faithful stewardship, we are also exploring more prudent ways to be good stewards of our time. Being mindful of our time in completing tasks opens up greater possibilities and opportunities for purposeful ministry.

Starting in February 2025, we are going paperless and will be sending gift receipts directly to your email. We are making this change to streamline the process, making the process more cost effective by eliminating the need for postage and allowing more time for other ministry business to occur.

To help ensure that this transition runs smoothly and efficiently, please confirm that we have your email address so that we are able to send you receipts. To verify, update, or provide your email address or to request preaddressed envelopes, please contact Sara Ferrell at (540) 433-0769 or A statement of all gifts you have generously given throughout the year will be mailed via USPS by January 31, 2026, and annually thereafter.

In the words of Paul in his letter to the church in Philippi (Philippians 1:3), we thank God upon every remembrance of you. You are a valued and loved partner in ministry. The future is bright and exciting, and we are thrilled to share every experience and victory with you.