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Adjusting at Pocono
on July 31, 2015

Unfortunately, due to mechanical issues, the concert stage won’t be making the trip to Pocono.  It needs time to be repaired before Watkins Glen. Crews worked long and hard into the day yesterday to try and get the issues fixed, but a  judgment call had to be made yesterday afternoon that was in the best interest of all of our entertainers, crew members, and technicians. The stage will be back in action next week at Watkins Glen for the KOA event. 

The Victory Weekend team will still be setting up the show car and supporting the efforts of Pennsylvania Racing Outreach (PRO) here in gate 4. The PRO team is working to find some entertainment.  In the meantime, there will be hosting games and prizes!

Please pray for the team at Pocono and also that the show trailer would be repaired and ready to go for Watkins Glen!

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