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About Us

In 1981, Wingfield Ministries operated as a part of InterChurch, Inc., run by Dr. Myron Augsburger. Steve served as crusade director until Dr. Augsburger encouraged him to form his own organization. In 1983, Steve answered God’s call to full-time evangelism. Wingfield Ministries was founded in 1987.
Wingfield Ministries is not formally affiliated with any denomination. The ministry partners with a wide variety of denominations in support of its programs. This ministry is wholly financed through tax-deductible contributions from individuals and organizations that share the vision of the ministry.
Throughout the years, the ministry has focused on winning souls for Christ through encounters, crusades, festivals, galas, Victory Weekend events, and through its most recent endeavors: Lodestar Guidance, the Lodestar Mountain Inn, our partnership with the OneLife Institute gap year program, and the African Evangelistic Mission Outreach. Steve receives countless invitations to host evangelistic events, both in the US and abroad, and is in continual prayer for God’s direction.
At the heart of this ministry is a desire to see unbelievers reconciled in relationship with Christ and for believers to be renewed in their faith and strengthened to continue fighting the good fight. The focus has remained centered on evangelism – using every available means to reach every available person. We are grateful for the position God has placed us in and His overwhelming provision to answer the call.