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From Steve – December II
on December 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

I invite you to take a stroll down memory lane.  I want you to think back to that one special Christmas gift you received in your past.  Regardless of whether you were a child or an adult, focus on the one present that took your breath away when you first laid eyes on it.  How did that make you feel?  I am certain that, just like me, your mind took you back in time and the sights and sounds were as vivid and real as the day it happened.  As wonderful as the memory of that special gift is, in just ten days we get to commemorate the greatest gift that any of us have ever received.  Of course, I am referring to God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, who came to make a way for us.  Had Jesus not paid our wage, we would still be carrying it.  Jesus’ death meant we no longer are dead.  He suffered physically and spiritually.  He took on the wrath of God for us, so if we choose to believe in Him and follow Him, we will not be under that judgement.

Jesus Christ, in his teaching, example, death, and resurrection, is our greatest gift.  And the best part is, we can experience Him every moment.  This Christmas, let’s share Him with everyone we meet!


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