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From Steve – October I
on October 1, 2022

Dear Friends,

Making time to experience God is paramount to living life fully and persevering through difficult times.  I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider joining Barb and me as we journey to the Holy Land on March 3, 2023.  The pilgrimage throughout the Holy Land is a life-changing event, and I would love for you to be a part of our group as we embark on Jordan and Israel.

I will lead up to 35 participants on an adventure to some of the most remarkable sites described in the Bible. Being baptized in the Jordan River, standing on a hillside where Jesus, Himself, spoke to the masses, or praying in the Garden of Gethsemane will impact your life forever.  We are blessed to see so many people experience this, and we are grateful to do it again.  This will truly be an opportunity of a lifetime and an experience you will never forget.

For more information or to make reservations, please call Terry Wyant-Vargo at (540) 236-5989.


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