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From Steve – January I
on January 1, 2021

Dear Friends,

Greetings! I pray you had a wonderful Christmas, reflecting on the Messiah coming to Earth to be with us!

If you will recall, a few weeks ago we held a Pastors Retreat at the Lodestar Mountain Inn. It was a wonderful time as I was joined in ministry by my dear friend Jeff Polen, my brother, Wayne, and his wife, Dianna. Together we welcomed a group of twelve for a time of renewal and personal revival. It was an amazing time of ministry that impacted me greatly.

As we poured encouragement into these men and women and witnessed how the Lord blessed them and drew each of them near, the experience gave me affirmation and solidified the concept of the Lodestar Mountain Inn.

The vision and mission the Lord has laid upon my heart and life to create a place of refuge, relief, and restoration has never burned brighter. We are surrounded by people daily who need a place to get away, be still, and cast their burdens upon the only One who can give their soul rest. It is a legacy that will last and serve generations to come, and I am humbled and thankful that God would allow me to be a part of something this grand.

I pray that you will take this journey with me. If you have never been to the Lodestar Mountain Inn, please accept this invitation to visit. If you have had the opportunity to visit and you want to become more involved, either by helping with construction or by giving a charitable donation, we would gratefully accept your contribution. The Lodestar Mountain Inn blesses all who walk those hallowed grounds; come be part of the blessing!



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