The month of June has strong significance to me. The month begins with my celebrating another year serving the Lord. My birthday is always a special time with my family and friends. It reminds me that, even if I had no possessions, I am truly rich because of the loved ones in my life. This year, I also rejoice because the Lodestar Mountain Inn is nearing completion.
The Lodestar Mountain Inn is another avenue God is allowing this ministry to utilize to bless and serve others. The Lord has been guiding us day by day, and every time a situation has seemed insurmountable, our sovereign God has cut a path through the wilderness. What started as a vision has become an awe-inspiring reality. Currently, our skilled contractors are diligently working on our event center, the Ebenezer Stable. This will be the epicenter of the Lodestar Mountain Inn; a place where people will meet, fellowship, and break bread together. This special building is a glorious example of the goodness and faithfulness of an almighty God.
May we never forget the awesomeness of our risen Savior. In all we say, all we do, and, most importantly, in how we treat one another, may we represent Christ well.