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Dover Bound
on April 13, 2019

Being among people and offering them a chance to meet our Jesus is why the Victory Weekend team works so hard during events as well as the weeks leading up. This ministry opportunity not only happens when the mic is “hot” and the bright lights are shining on the stage. The ministry begins when we arrive to the Victory Weekend venue.

Through casual conversations, we build relationships and begin speaking life into the fans in a non-threatening setting. Through our compassion, empathy, and direction of the Holy Spirit, it is our goal that the love of Christ would be a blinding light coming from each of us; a life so filled with grace and love, that it would be contagious.

We would love for you to help us minister at a Victory Weekend and your next opportunity is a great one! May 3-4, 2019, the Victory Weekend team will be in Dover, Delaware, at the Lot 10 Campground, down the street from the “Monster Mile.”

If you have ever wanted to volunteer at an event, we encourage you to act upon it now! Do not hesitate nor be afraid to volunteer merely because you may not think you have any of the prerequisite abilities that you believe are needed, the greatest ability is availability. If you would like more information about ministering in Dover or at any other event, click here.

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