Dear Friends,
HE IS RISEN INDEED; the stone was rolled away and the tomb is still empty. We celebrated Resurrection Sunday just after Barb and I returned from a journey to Israel and Jordan with some amazing people. Every time we are blessed to go to the Holy Land, we can see the awestruck wonder in the eyes of those who accompany us. It is a memory unlike any other. Walking where disciples strode, standing on the site where Jesus gave a sermon, or gazing at the same breathtaking sunset that great men and women of the Bible once looked at is truly incredible and an honor.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. The pastors of our churches selflessly sacrifice so much for the good of the body of Christ. Being a pastor is not a one-day-a-week job. In fact, it is a profession where you are always on call. Have you ever called your pastor when a loved one was sick, tragedy struck, or a family member passed away? Our pastors not only bring the Word during their sermons, but they pray for us and they are there in our greatest times of need.
Please prayerfully consider showing your pastor the highest appreciation possible this year—a pilgrimage of a lifetime to the Holy Land. We are planning another trip on October 16 – 29. For more information, contact Terry Wyant-Vargo at (800) 729-2239.