God’s intervention transformed Saul’s life so Paul could really start living. As a result, Paul took to the streets, synagogues, public squares, countryside, inside prison, and everywhere else he could, and he boldly shared about His incredible Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. He took to paper too and composed a large portion of the New Testament. While reading Scripture lately, Colossians 1:9-14 has served as an excellent reminder of a healthy prayer life and how to be persistent while in intercession. That is how I am praying for my family, my friends, our nation, for Victory Weekend to save souls, and even for you, my friend!
With the Bible as our best resources, Jesus’ life, mission, and salvation become our responsibility to share with the world. All humanity needs to know how important it is to know and choose Christ. We as believers know how important salvation truly is for each of us and in our lives. Thus, we should be even more motivated to seek out and to assist in each opportunity we are given to share the gospel, regardless of what societal trends dictate, how people’s preferences have to be observed, and during any part of spiritual opposition. We know victory is in ours with Christ on our side!
I believe the global church needs to hear clearly, respond boldly, and share clearly this message. On February 28 of the Winning the Race (WTR) devotional, I shared about William Booth’s incredible service for God’s Kingdom as the founder of the Salvation Army. With my colleagues during our Tuesday’s devotional time this week, I read this portion and more about how much William urged us to share the gospel as believers:
“Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come there. And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you had professed to obey, and tell him where you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.”
Be in prayer for how you can be sharing Jesus contagiously in a world that both aches for the truth and is becoming more resistant to accepting it. That does not mean to try once and if the person rejects, “Well, I tried. I guess they are just going to hell.” Jesus did not give up on you and me, so we should not give up so easily on others. May we direct others to choose Jesus as the only hope in this life for eternal life and peace with God, our Heavenly Father and Creator!
As I conclude my update, I also end with the take-away written in WTR’s February 28: “You are called. Tell the story!”