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HFCN Cruise-In Update
on September 9, 2014

The Victory Weekend #79 Show Car was among the hundreds of classic cars that were a part of the Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene (HFCN) annual Cruise –In on Friday, September 5th. The Show Car was a big hit with many of the 3,000 attendees as people of all ages were eager to get in and experience the unique feeling of being in an actual ( albeit retired) NASCAR race car. We had staff members on-site responding to questions, handing out free items, signing people up for ministry updates, and praying.

On Sunday, Steve hit not one, but two “homeruns” when he spoke at both of the church’s morning services. Presenting his classic “Running to Win” racing flag message, Steve reported that there was an “awesome” response to God’s Word. Steve’s signature statement about his time at HFCN was, “If everybody who raised their hands in response at the two services follows through on their commitment, then Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene will be never be the same.”

It was a glorious occasion of partnering with a local church to have some fun while representing Christ well in the process.

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