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From Steve – May 5
on May 5, 2014

Living the true Christian life is often about transcending the “normal” to think, say, and do things that people just don’t normally do. Jesus, our Teacher and Master, instructed us to “bless those who curse you” (Luke 6:28).

How difficult is that? If somebody “curses” me the old Steve in me wants to rise up and strike back. But Jesus said, “Bless those who curse you.” So, I try very hard to live above the normal and to bless them in word or deed. I know that it is what He wants from me and that it will please Him.

People contact me fairly frequently seeking counsel for various issues in their lives. I try to be available to help show them what God would have them do. Christ wants us to minister to others as best we can.

I encourage you to rise above the normal and bless those who curse you. Be there for others, forgive those who wrong you, and bless God in the process.

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