The Thanksgiving season almost always includes special friends, foods, and festivities. We celebrate with family, good friends, and neighbors. But, Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not forget to entertain strangers.”
Jesus said that giving a hungry person something to eat, giving a thirsty person something to drink, or inviting a stranger into your home is the same as doing it for Him (see Mathew 25:35-40). Do you ever think about showing hospitality to people that you don’t know or don’t know well? Or even people you would never think of inviting, because they’re just so, well, different than your usual crowd of friends?
Entertain strangers. Invite someone you had not planned to invite. I know this might make you a little uncomfortable. But, I don’t want Jesus to say to you one day, “I was a stranger and you did not invite me in” (Matthew 25:43).
Bless someone with the gift of hospitality this month. It may be the best gift you give this season. God will honor that invitation. His Spirit will be there too.
(Adapted from my new book Winning the Race Every Day page 371.)