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From Steve – August II
on August 15, 2024

Dear Friend,

Greetings in the glorious name of our risen Savior! I pray that this letter finds you well.

Can you believe that summer is almost over? Grocery stores and big-box retail stores are beginning to feature harvesttime and pumpkin-flavored products. Children are trading in their swimsuits for backpacks as most schools have returned from their summer breaks. As this fresh, new school year begins, will you please join me in prayer over the students, faculties, and staff of our schools? Ask the Lord to guide, direct, and keep them as they learn and lead. Pray also for the cafeteria workers who provide the meals, for the custodians who have very demanding and important jobs, for the bus drivers who are responsible for transportation, and for resource officers tasked with security.

Take the opportunity to pray as you pass a school or see a school bus. Prayer is our primary weapon against the enemy and, in the words of author Priscilla Shirer, “Prayer brings the power of heaven down to earth.” There is no greater way to bless our children and those entrusted with their education and protection than to go to God our Father with prayers of blessing for them.  


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