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Wingfield Ministries and Bob Detweiler Annual Golf Tournament – February 26, 2025

Nothing sounds better than breaking off the chains of a cold winter and spending time in sunny Florida. Now, add spending time in sunny Florida and golf together. That makes for a great time, one that you can be a part of!
Join us at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, 15150 70th Terrace East, Bradenton, FL 34202, on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, for our 5th Annual Golf Tournament.  Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. with a 1:00 start to our four-person scramble. Our dear friend Bob Detweiler is, once again, hosting and sponsoring the tournament. We are so thankful for his passion and commitment to this ministry, but even more so for his desire for all people to give their lives to Jesus.
Cash prizes for the top five winners are as follows:
- 1st Place $1,000
- 2nd Place $750
- 3rd Place $500
- 4th Place $250
- 5th Place $100
In addition to playing golf on a pristine, championship-level course and the cash prizes above, participants will receive a hat, a sleeve of golf balls, non-alcoholic drinks, lunch, dinner, and a gift bag containing five opportunities to win gift certificates to local restaurants plus our grand prize giveaway: a getaway weekend at the Lodestar Mountain Inn.
In lieu of a registration fee, Bob is asking all golfers to give a minimum tax-deductible donation of $500 to Wingfield Ministries. The proceeds from this tournament will go toward the completion of the men’s dorm for the OneLife Institute students at the Lodestar Mountain Inn in the beautiful Smoke Hole Canyon in Upper Tract, WV. The OneLife Institute is a nine-month gap year program for students who want to grow in their faith, experience genuine community, serve others, and travel while earning credits for college.
If you would like to play in the 2024 tournament, please RSVP by calling Terry Wyant-Vargo at (540) 236-5989 or by completing the registration form below by Tuesday, February 13, 2024.